Saturday, September 4, 2010

New #36: Tour de Fat

Beer. Bicycles. Costumes. Parade. Can we say dream come true? Yes we can. It's pronounced Tour de Fat.

This annual gem is something that's been riding through Fort Collins for years, created by the city's very own New Belgium Brewery. As if the brewery wasn't awesome enough for creating Fat Tire and Sunshine beer, or offering free drinks and tours daily, it really one-upped itself by inventing the Tour de Fat. The company, owned by environmental enthusiasts, made the tour to honor an efficient mode of transportation: the bicycle. Over the years the romp evolved from a 10-mile trek to what it is today - a 10,000-strong bicycle parade through downtown. I can't for the life of me understand why I didn't take part in it all sooner. But after my first ride, I know I'll never miss it again.

Like many new things I'm experiencing, this one started in the morning. But that didn't mean we couldn't enjoy ourselves with a few celebratory drinks. So I had a shot or two at 8:30 a.m. - but with everyone dressed up in their finest and funkiest costumes, it just seemed right. I was She-Ra the Princess of Power, and Ben was Elliott with ET in a milk crate on the front of his bike. Other friends dressed as Spiderman, a gorilla and a slew of steam punks. The costumes were cool enough on their own, but even more bitchin on bikes.

After getting pumped up by throwing a few back, we rode off to Old Town Fort Collins. We were still on the outskirt of downtown when we hit a wall of hundreds of others on their bikes. It seemed like the entire city came out for the parade. Everyone dressed up, with lots of people decking out their bikes, too.

Because there were so many people, we never got up to the front of the crowd to hear any kind of start or kick off. Instead, we slowly started moving forward, scooting our feet on the ground, until we had room to pick up speed. Soon enough we were riding through town. The event had closed off all the streets just for bicycles. Good thing, because it was hard enough riding and dodging the hundreds of bikes around you, let alone cars, too. With so many two-wheelers (and maybe a little too much beer in our systems) there were a few crashes. But each time we got back up and were able to pedal forward through the few miles of the parade. I was surprised to see people lined up in lawn chairs along the way. Then again, it was quite a sight to see.

The parade ended back at the brewery, where a festival was already underway. Concerts and beer tents were plenty, as well as an amazing ring of bike jousting. All in all, Tour de Fat is a Tour de Awesome in my book.

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