Thursday, October 7, 2010

New #40: Las Vegas Casino Games

Gambling is no new for me. Neither is Vegas. In fact, the two are separately some of my favorite things in life, and pretty much the best thing ever when combined. Yet through my gambling days in the city of sin, there have been some Vegas games I've shied away from. Some seemed either too intimidating, too risky or too obscure to try. But with two of my very best friends getting married in Vegas, I decided to take the opportunity to roll the dice on a few news.

O'Shea's, one of our favorite gambling hot spots.

First up was roulette. Unlike the more intense version Russian Roulette, (which my friend Casey swears is "really fun"), I opted for the tamer style with the ball and that spinny things. I didn't really know the rules beyond the basics -- but luckily friends aren't hard to make on the gambling tables. A nice boy from Kentucky showed me where to place my chips, how to split a bet, and other things I don't remember (yeah, so what if I was under the influence? It's Vegas, people). I kept betting on 21, my lucky number, which sadly proved to be unlucky that night. Sigh. No winning with roulette for Sarah.

The next game was a great surprise that I never imagined to play for money: WAR. Yessssss. Remember? It's that game you play when you're between 5 and 10 years old? The one that takes no more skill than flipping over a card and seeing whose is higher? Yeah, that game. I love it! Money went by pretty quickly for $5 a card. But it was fun to heckle the dealer. My first war with him was especially intense. I think we even got into a few double wars. But I was a good warrior and didn't lose too much money. I'm definitely finding this game next time I'm in Vegas.

The beautiful bride and her bridesmaids at the war table.

Through my gambling adventures I also tried to learn craps. Sadly, no one would teach me how to play. Each time I'd ask a friend or stranger, they would say they don't know what they're doing themselves. Really? The strategy is fake it till you make it? I doubt that. But whatever, maybe I just wasn't meant to play that crappy game anyway.

Overall my Vegas gambling adventures weren't that fruitful. I left with about $50 less than I started -- which probably isn't really that bad. The best part of this new was what got me to Vegas in the first place: Erica and Jeff's wedding. It was an amazingly perfect day for two amazingly awesome people. Now they get to start a whole new life of news together. Love you guys!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this entry, Sarah! :) Thanks so much for being part of our Vegas celebration, we love you! Next time we go to Vegas, we can gamble more of Dan's money and win big!
